How to replace if-else with polymorphism

In object-oriented programming, the use of if-else statements can quickly make code difficult to read, understand and maintain. As the number of conditions and their complexity increases, so does the potential for errors and bugs. Polymorphism, on the other hand, offers a more elegant and efficient solution to this problem. By allowing objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass, polymorphism can simplify the code, making it more readable and extendable. In this article, we will explore how to improve if-else statements with polymorphism and how it can help you write better and more maintainable code. Let us understand this with examples:-

class ShapeCalculator {
    public double CalculateArea(Shape shape) {
        if (shape is Circle) {
            Circle c = (Circle) shape;
            return Math.PI * c.radius * c.radius;
        } else if (shape is Rectangle) {
            Rectangle r = (Rectangle) shape;
            return r.width * r.height;
        return 0.0;

In this example, the CalculateArea method uses an if-else statement to check the type of the shape object and then calls the appropriate calculation method for that type. This approach works, but it’s less maintainable and extendable than using polymorphism.

For example if a new shape ‘Square’ is added to the code, we will have to add an additional ‘else if’ block to handle that. And every time a new shape is added, we will have to modify the CalculateArea method which can lead to errors and increased complexity in the code. On the other hand, with polymorphism, as every class knows how to calculate its area, this problem can be avoided.

class Shape {
    public virtual double Area() {
        return 0.0;

class Circle : Shape {
    private double radius;
    public Circle(double r) {
        radius = r;
    public override double Area() {
        return Math.PI * radius * radius;

class Rectangle : Shape {
    private double width;
    private double height;
    public Rectangle(double w, double h) {
        width = w;
        height = h;
    public override double Area() {
        return width * height;

class Triangle : Shape {
    private double base;
    private double height;
    public Triangle(double b, double h) {
        base = b;
        height = h;
    public override double Area() {
        return 0.5 * base * height;

Now we can use this class to calculate the area of any shape, whether it’s a circle, rectangle, or triangle, without having to use any if-else statement. Because each shape knows how to calculate its own area through the Area method, the CalculateArea method can simply call the Area method on the passed-in shape object, regardless of its actual type.

The use of polymorphism here allows the calculation of area to be done in a more maintainable and extendable way. As it allows you to add new shape with new area calculation method without modifying the existing code.

In conclusion, polymorphism allows us to replace a series of if-else statements with virtual functions, making our code more readable, maintainable and extendable.

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