
Thinking Models: Navigating Complexity in Software Engineering

My journey into the world of thinking models began unexpectedly. It wasn’t until I delved into the book “The Great Mental Model” recently that I discovered the concept of thinking models. This sparked my curiosity to explore what thinking models exist specifically within the realm of software engineering. Let’s embark on this exploration together, diving…

Common RESTful API Design Mistakes and Their Remedies

Designing RESTful APIs is an art that requires attention to detail, a deep understanding of HTTP, and a commitment to the principles laid out by Roy Fielding. However, many APIs that claim to be RESTful fall short of these principles. In this blog, let’s explore 20 common mistakes and their remedies : 1. Misuse of…

The Strangler Pattern: A Pragmatic Approach to Modernizing Legacy Applications

Introduction Updating a legacy software system is a critical challenge many businesses face. It’s about enhancing what works while introducing new, efficient technologies. This is where the Strangler Pattern shines. It offers a structured yet flexible way to modernize systems without the need for a complete overhaul from the start. Let’s explore how this approach…

How to replace if-else with polymorphism

In object-oriented programming, the use of if-else statements can quickly make code difficult to read, understand and maintain. As the number of conditions and their complexity increases, so does the potential for errors and bugs. Polymorphism, on the other hand, offers a more elegant and efficient solution to this problem. By allowing objects of different…

Five React must-follow practices

Here are five best practices for working with React: 1.Use functional components whenever possible: Functional components are simpler and easier to understand than class-based components, and they can often do everything that class-based components can do. For example: 2. Use the useEffect hook for side effects: The useEffect hook allows you to perform side effects…

Patterns for designing self healing apps

Self healing is important concern while developing an application. For example, if a downstream service is not available , how can the app handle this situation? Will it retry more for the service which is already down or will it understand the situation and stop hammering a failing service. What if there is failure in…

What’s wrong with just hashing a password?

Storing password is critical for any application. If you do not take right precaution then you loose your user password to attacker. For password security, storing password in plain text in database is certainly a bad design. Hashing password is well known but unfortunately it is also not enough. As we know that when user…

5 Tech Talks Every Software Engineer should watch

I love watching tech talks. I’ve compiled a list of must-see tech talks for every software engineer. However, this list doesn’t have any category on the basis of programming language or platform instead it focuses on high level general topics: How to Design A Good API and Why it matters, a wonderful tech by Joshua…

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